Complete Your Degree at PCC
Whether you're planning to continue on to earn a Bachelor Degree or you're going straight to the workforce, earning an assoicate degree from PCC will open more doors for you.
Use the resources below to ensure you're on the right track to your degree completion!
Why Earn An Associate Degree?
- AA/AS 度 can stand alone or be a stepping stone to a bachelor degree.
- AA/AS degree holders earn up to 25% more each year than someone who is doing the same job without a degree.
- A different AA/AS degree from your bachelor degree will diversify your resume.
- An associate degree will open more doors for job opportunities.
Review Degree Requirements
Requirements vary with each degree type, so make sure you’re following the right ones!
Check Your Progress towards Completion
Use LancerPlan to conduct an audit and see which requirements you still need to fulfill to earn your degree.
Disclaimer: You are encouraged to use the degree audit report as a guide when planning your progress towards degree completion. Connect with an academic counselor for assistance in interpreting the report or regarding your official degree/certificate completion 状态. 这 audit is not your academic transcript and it is not official notification of completion of degree or certificate requirements.
Get Priority Registration to 完成 Your Degree!
Registering for the final classes you need to complete your associate degree (AA/AS, AA-T / t)? Sign up for PCC完成 to get an earlier registration date to ensure that you get the classes you need to earn your degree.
Petition for Your Degree
Degree filing periods are Summer, Fall, and Spring (go to the Petition for Your Degree website for specific deadlines). Once you register for your final semester, submit your degree petition.
What to Expect After You Have Petitioned for Your Degree
Find out when diplomas are mailed, how to update your mailing address, and commencement 信息.
What to Expect After You Petitioned for Degree
Have more questions about degrees?
Read our 度的常见问题 to get all your graduation questions answered!